The objective of this project was to create packaging for a product line. Little Things has been a passion project of mine for some time.
It's streetwear clothes for the next up, the babies.
A monthly drop will be announced with different themes and packaging. This month would focus
on an icon of streetwear culture, a shoebox.
El Grito is a celebration of the day Mexico gained their independence from Spain. When Spain planned to attack after gaining information on
the possible revolt, a man by the name of Miguel Hidalgo warned the others of the attack on horse yelling as he rode through the pueblos. This cry of independence from Miguel and others is what is know as "el grito", the shout, the yell, the scream. This is now celebrated most commonly on the 16th of September throughout Mexico and Mexican communities everywhere. The campaign
aimed for the event to take place in San Francisco and would be known as El Grito SF.
Starting the ideation for the logo mark was immediately targeted the iconic features of Mexico, San Francisco, and El Grito. A few of these were Papel picado, Miguel Hidalgo, the flag, the trolley, the people, and more can be seen in the roughs.